
can now enable ad monetisation with Osmos

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By The
Best :

In addition to a

self-serve ads platform,

OTT platforms also need to offer plethora of

video-first ad formats

and establish processes for

advertiser onboarding


review, payments & billing, and

rate card management

- OSMOS enables all of it.

OSMOS facilitates

omnichannel ad serving

, incorporating

shopper behaviour


store inventory, and offers advertisers

cross-channel attribution insights

, making it ideal for Grocery Retailers looking to build a retail media platform.

In addition to a

self-serve ads


, OTT platforms also

need to offer plethora of


first ad formats

and establish

processes for



, campaign review,

payments & billing, and


card management


enables all of it.

enables all of it.

The Osmos Impact

Increased Revenue.
Reduced Cost.


Increase In
Ad Revenues


Increase In
Advertiser Adoption


Of The Cost Of
Building In-House

Advertiser & Agency Onboarding

Offer Frictionless Onboarding While Evaluating Credibility

Unlike for retailers, advertisers on OTT platforms are not existing merchants. Hence, OTT platforms need to verify legitimacy of potential advertisers and agencies before giving them access to the campaign management platform. OSMOS helps design and implement a customized sign up and onboarding process for you to assess advertisers and agencies. Post successful onboarding, advertisers and agencies can manage access for users on their end to ensure max safety

Sign Up and Onboarding Workflow

A streamlined sign-up portal captures essential business details and documents for review, enabling legal checks and customised approval tiers to ensure due diligence.

User Access Management

Give advertisers and agencies ability to guard access to data and functionalities based on different roles within their organization

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Self-Service Ads Platform

Scale With A Simple Campaign Management & Analytics Portal

Managed service limits the number of advertisers that can be activated, plus, agencies find it difficult to coordinate with ad ops team and manage multiple campaigns across multiple brands

With OSMOS, you can offer a self-serve platform which agencies and advertisers can use to create and manage campaigns, and get detailed campaign performance reports.

Campaign Creation In Minutes

Curate a simple campaign creation process, where you get to decide the steps in the process, ad formats and placements, and targeting parameters available to advertisers.

Campaign Creation In Minutes
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Analytics Dashboard & Scheduled Reports

Enable agencies and advertisers to track and adjust performance for specific brands and campaigns. Also, allow scheduled reporting so agencies can keep brands informed about campaign performance

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Built For Scale

Our apps have been designed to handle retail media’s biggest challenges.
We’ve scale tested to process:


P95 Latency at scale


Real-time ad auctions / month


Decision Points / month

Ad Formats

Unlock Brand & Performance Marketing Dollars

OTT platforms require ad formats that complement the viewing experience- as any video-first platform should. Additionally, direct purchases don’t happen on OTT, it’s majorly used for awareness campaigns, so getting performance marketing dollars is a challenge With OSMOS, offer awareness and performance ad formats, to attract TOFU, MOFU and BOFU marketing dollars, while maintaining a smooth viewer experience

Awareness Ads
Video With Takeover
Video With Carousel
Video With CTA
Video With Webview
In-stream Display
Native Display
Performance Ads
Brand Lift Ads
Install Ads
Lead-gen Form

Video with Takeover

Alongside the video, a banner takes over the rest of the screen


Video With Webview

Webview component incorporated along with the video ad


Video With Carousel

Multiple images in a dynamic carousel alongside the video ad


In-stream Display

Banner ads that appear in midst of the video stream


Video With CTA

Compelling CTA displayed while the video is playing


Native Display

Display ads that blend to the look and feel of the platform


Brand Lift Ads

Pre/mid-roll Survey ads to measure changes in brand awareness & perception


Lead-gen Form

Ads pre or mid video to collect user information to generate potential leads


Install Ads

Video ads with option to install apps during streaming

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Audience & Content Targeting

Turn Content Consumption Insights Into Targeting Levers

For advertisers, OTT platforms are differentiated from linear TV advertising by the granularity of targeting offered. OTT platforms have unique view into content consumption patterns, which need to be turned into targeting parameters for advertisers to leverage

Leverage OSMOS to offer niche audience and content targeting parameters- more precise the targeting, higher the CPM you can charge


Real Stories, Real Results

logo image of purple

Osmos offered ready-made reports and the ability to broadcast ads with a single click from a self-serve platform to optimise Purplle and its advertisers’ bandwidth. Osmos offered automation for scheduled reporting, budget tracking, and AI-powered estimates of key metrics and budget recommendations for every type of campaign.

Rate Card Management

Ensure Consistent Pricing For Your Ad Inventory

With every placement, ad format, and audience & content targeting parameter, the value of the ad inventory changes. Manual coordination and negotiation over rates for every permutation and combination of above parameters is excruciating for both- the advertiser and your ad ops team. OSMOS helps you maintain standardize ad inventory rates across advertisers by taking pricing input from your end for different ad placement, format and targeting combinations

Campaign Planning Tool

Help Advertisers With Scenario Planning For Max Impact

Marketers are usually allocated a budget, however, they don’t know how to spend it to get the best results or they don’t know the campaign reach to expect, based on targeting parameters they have narrowed down on

OSMOS has a built-in campaign planner which your advertisers can use to estimate the Reach, Impressions and CPM of their campaigns with different budgets, ad placements & formats, and targeting inputs

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Campaign Review Workflows

Make Sure Advertisers Adhere To Brand Guidelines

In an evolving regulatory landscape, inappropriate or plagiarized content on OTT platforms can easily lead to legal repercussions.

Implement custom campaign review workflows to ensure that advertisers’ campaigns adhere to brand guidelines, and the content showcased is not plagiarized or inappropriate- maintain brand perception and legal safety.

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Customizable Review Workflows

Design custom pre-launch approval processes with various degrees of parallel or sequential steps

Approach To Advertiser Experience Management

AI mechanisms ensure content is correctly formatted, sized, and meets quality standards, while removing inappropriate and plagiarized material to maintain authenticity and legal safety

In-Platform 2-way Communication

Use the retailer portal to notify advertisers of flaws needing correction for campaign approval; advertisers can reply via their portal

Payments & Billing

Have A Payments Solution For Every Type Of Advertiser

Ease of payment is extremely important to ensure that marketers continue to invest in any advertising solution. Plus, bigger advertisers expect a different payments arrangement vs smaller advertisers

OSMOS helps you incorporate different payment methods, to help you cater to advertisers of different sizes, as well as run advertiser incentivization programs

Prepaid Wallets

Take upfront payments from small scale advertisers to ensure campaigns set-up by them are sufficiently funded

Credit Line With Invoice Management

Attract high-value advertisers with credit lines and automated invoicing and reminders for timely payments

Incentivization Programs

Automate incentives for actions like merchant onboarding or wallet top-ups and measure impact with advertiser spend vs. incentive spend report

Suggested Apps

OSMOS Apps For OTT Platforms To Get Started With Ad Monetisation In 4 Weeks
Video Ads  

An immersive audio-visual experience to highlight the best aspects of the product

Onboard Pro

Customizable sign up and onboarding workflows to evaluate advertiser credibility

Content Cop

AI content validation and automated workflows to review campaigns prior to launch


Billing and payments solution for simplified ad fund management and advertiser incentivization

Brand Jukebox

Advertiser experience manager that helps control feature accessibility to advertisers

Pulse Pro

An immersive audio-visual experience to highlight the best aspects of the product

Tailoring solutions for your unique needs.

A bespoke

Live in 4

Co-exists with
your current stack

White labelled
&  self-serve