Grocery Retailers

can now enable ad monetisation with Osmos

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By The
Best :

OSMOS facilitates

omnichannel ad serving

, incorporating

shopper behaviour


store inventory, and offers advertisers

cross-channel attribution insights

, making it

ideal for Grocery Retailers looking to build a retail media platform.

OSMOS facilitates

omnichannel ad serving

, incorporating

shopper behaviour


store inventory, and offers advertisers

cross-channel attribution insights

, making it ideal for Grocery Retailers looking to build a retail media platform.

OSMOS facilitates

omnichannel ad serving ,


shopper behaviour

and store inventory, and offers advertisers

cross-channel attribution insights ,

making it ideal for Grocery Retailers looking to build a retail media platform.

The Osmos Impact

Increased Revenue.
Reduced Cost.


Increase In
Ad Revenues


Increase In
Advertiser Adoption


Return On
Ad Spends


Of The Cost Of
Building In-House

Omnichannel Retail Media

Enable Shopper Engagement Across Multiple Touchpoints

While your shoppers are browsing the internet for hours, most of that time is spent off of grocery shopping apps & websites. This makes it extremely difficult for your advertisers to reach and engage them.

To help advertisers reach shoppers who are on or away from the app, grocery retailers enable onsite, offsite and in-store retail media, using OSMOS.

Onsite Retail Media

Allow your advertisers to leverage a range of ad formats to run full-funnel campaigns on platforms owned by you.

Right from performance campaigns with Product ads to top of the funnel campaigns with Display and Video Ads, make all campaign types accessible through your retail media platform.

  • 1-click launch product listing ads

  • Geo & first party targeting enabled video & display ads

  • CPC & CPM control at ad inventory level

  • Full-funnel attribution

Offsite Retail Media

Whether your shoppers are scrolling Facebook or Instagram or searching on Google, ads run through your retail media platform will reach them- your advertisers get broader reach and you get advertiser funded traffic on your platform.

  • Delivery across Meta, Google Shopping, DV360

  • 1-click multi-channel launch

  • First-party targeting w/o PII data sharing

In-Store Retail Media

Increase ad revenue from your retail media program by monetizing your in-store digital screens. With precise targeting, right down to individual store shelves and accurate offline data reporting, it becomes easier to get advertisers onboard.

  • Online-to-Offline Analytics

  • Order Management Workflows

  • Demographic & In-store Movement Insights

Predictive Ad Serving

Ad Servers That Account For Shopper Behaviour & Store Inventory

Grocery shoppers have distinct search patterns, prioritize top-of-mind purchases, and feel let down by out-of-stock items. Generic ad servers on grocery platforms miss these points, resulting in low fill rates and ROAS

To ensure high fill rates and advertiser ROAS, grocery retail media platforms rely on OSMOS ad server, which accounts for shopper context and behavior, and only serves ads of in-stock SKUs

Contextual Relevancy Algorithm
Market Basket Analysis
Store-level Inventory Data Sync

Built For Scale

Our apps have been designed to handle retail media’s biggest challenges.
We’ve scale tested to process:


P95 Latencyat scale


SKUs (Stock Keeping Units / day)


Real-time ad auctions / month


Shopper Events / month


Decision Points / month

Analytics & Attribution

Win Advertisers’ Trust With Accurate Cross-channel Measurement

Most brands still consider retail media media measurement and attribution to be inaccurate. This reduces their faith in the ROAS reported by the retailer and dissuades them from investing more in retail media

Guarantee accurate measurement with full-funnel & channel-wise attribution, offline sales & online ads data mapping and choosing an attribution window suitable for grocery ads

Full-funnel Analytics

Offer advertisers an end-to-end view of performance- attributed impressions, clicks, page views, add to cart, purchases, revenue & ROAS at an overall campaign, ad inventory & ad creative level

Brand Halo Measurement

Showcase impact of promotions on overall brand sales with a breakdown of total orders into promoted SKU orders and non-promoted SKU orders

Cross-channel Attribution

Help advertisers optimize channel-level investments by giving them the orders and ROAS attributed to onsite ads vs ads across Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, DV360 and other external channels

Online-to-Offline Analytics

Increase advertisers’ investment in online campaigns by showcasing impact of online campaigns on in-store sales

Customizable Attribution Window

The standard 30 day attribution is not well suited for grocery ads. Offer more accurate measurement with a seven or fourteen day attribution window

Ad Operations

Simplify Cross-channel Media Buying For Your Advertisers

Advertisers face challenges in buying media across multiple channels, involving navigating retail media platforms for onsite ads, running separate Google and Meta campaigns, and coordinating retailer’s ad ops teams for in-store ads

OSMOS simplifies multi-channel media buying on your retail media platform with self-serve campaign management, a unified dashboard for onsite and offsite ad purchasing, and ad packages for advertisers

Self-serve Campaign Management

Make campaign set-up and tracking straightforward and quicker for your advertisers by giving them an easy to navigate self-serve dashboard, which also reduces the burden on ad ops team

One Dashboard For Offsite & Onsite Campaigns

Ensure that your advertisers don’t have to buy media from multiple sources. They can manage onsite campaigns and campaigns across Google, Meta, DV360 from a single dashboard

Multi-tactic Ad Bundles

Simplify media selling for your ad sales team with automated workflows to sell and execute bundled campaigns consisting of onsite, offsite and in-store tactics


Real Stories, Real Results

We seamlessly integrated and launched the platform in less than a month. The platform is scalable, reliable and lightning-fast, processing 100s of millions of ad requests. I highly recommend to any business looking for a reliable and effective solution for their retail media needs.

Advanced Targeting

Offer Best-in-class Targeting Options To Your Advertisers

Grocery buying habits are extremely personalized and localized. Inability to target specific behavioral patterns and local preferences, leads to overspending for advertisers and negatively impacts the ROAS

With OSMOS, you can open up extremely precise targeting for advertisers, where they can reach shoppers with certain attributes and purchase patterns on devices frequently used by them, while accounting for local preferences

First Party Audience Targeting

Enable precise targeting for advertisers by allowing them to curate audiences using shoppers’ attributes and on-platform behavior, without sharing any PII data

Device Targeting

Help advertisers reach their target audience on devices which they are most likely to use to make a purchase

Geo & Store Targeting

Empower you advertisers to capitalize on local preferences by enabling campaign targeting at state, city, zip and individual store level

Keyword Targeting

Allow advertisers to target specific keywords, and optimize targeting by match types, negative keywords and bidding at individual keyword level

Suggested Apps

OSMOS Apps For Grocery Retailers To Get Started With Retail Media In 4 Weeks
Product Ads

1-click launch, AI-first campaigns for promoting individual product listings

Display Ads

Intent driven, localized campaigns rooted in first-party audience targeting

Content Cop

AI content validation and automated workflows to review campaigns prior to launch


Billing and payments solution for simplified ad fund management and advertiser incentivization

Brand Jukebox

Advertiser experience manager that helps control feature accessibility to advertisers

Pulse Pro

Intelligent analytics tool to identify gaps and growth opportunities in retail media programs