Combine apps of your choice to get a bespoke retail media stack in 4 weeks

Seamless omnichannel 


at your advertisers’ fingertips


Monetize your website, app and emails with engaging ad formats, precise targeting and reliable ad serving tech.


Offer advertisers access to unlimited ad inventory on the open internet- Meta, Google, DV360 & Tradedesk


Make in-store digital screens an effective advertising tool with localized targeting and offline behavior insights.

Ad formats for mastery over



Product Ads

Contextually relevant promotions of native individual product listings

Display Ads

Banner ads driven by audience intent and first-party data targeting

Story Ads

Interactive fullscreen ads engage audiences dynamically in immersive environments

Gamified Ads

Reward-driven ads for enhanced engagement, retention, and brand recall

Shoppable Videos

Near-live video ads use personalized narratives for driving interactions

Video Ads

Immersive audio-visuals for unmatched shopper involvement and engagement

Email Ads

Monetization of spaces in emails and newsletters with first-party targeting

By The
Best :

Precise Targeting.



First Party Audience Targeting

Commercialise your audience data and enable attribute based targeting for safe yet highly targeted advertising in a post third-party cookies world

Behavioural Targeting

Enable targeting based on shopper’s on-platform behavior, specifically for key events you deem important like cart abandonment and purchase history

Geo and Store Targeting

Make localization of campaigns possible at a state, city or even zip level. Your advertisers can target ads right down to the store level

Device Targeting

Give advertisers the option to optimize campaign delivery at mobile/desktop/tab level, so they are serving ads where their consumers shop

Advanced Keyword Targeting

Your advertisers don’t even need to list keywords. With AI, your platform will be smart enough to contextualise shopper’s searches and serve the right ads

The perfect 


for advertiser delight

Self-serve Enabled

Commercialize your audience data and enable attribute based targeting for safe yet highly targeted advertising in a post third-party cookies world

1 Click Campaign Launch

Increase your retail media platform’s adoption amongst tail & torso advertisers by making everything from campaign set-up to performance reporting self-serve

Exceptional ROAS

Advertiser retention would be through the roof with contextually relevant, localized ads leading to 400% ROAS on an average for your advertisers

Closed Loop Attribution

Advertisers will trust you. Transparency around attributed impressions, clicks, product views, add to cart, orders, revenue, ROAS and detailed order logs ensures that


Real Stories, Real Results

Osmos offered ready-made reports and the ability to broadcast ads with a single click from a self-serve platform to optimise Purplle and its advertisers’ bandwidth. Osmos offered automation for scheduled reporting, budget tracking, and AI-powered estimates of key metrics and budget recommendations for every type of campaign.

Online Beauty Retailer

We seamlessly integrated and launched the platform in less than a month. The platform is scalable, reliable and lightning-fast, processing 100s of millions of ad requests. I highly recommend to any business looking for a reliable and effective solution for their retail media needs.

Shraddha Vimal,
Senior Product Manager (RM)

Sellers are now also able to generate detailed reports that provide them critical insights into campaigns, and help them make better use of their budgets - enhancing their experience and interest in advertising on the platform. The differential UX offered by Monetize helped Tata 1mg engage brands of all levels in technical aptitude to use the platform easily.

TATA 1mg
Specialty Retailer  (Online Pharmacy)


Real Stories, Real Results

Osmos offered ready-made reports and the ability to broadcast ads with a single click from a self-serve platform to optimise Purplle and its advertisers’ bandwidth. Osmos offered automation for scheduled reporting, budget tracking, and AI-powered estimates of key metrics and budget recommendations for every type of campaign.


Online Beauty Retailer

We seamlessly integrated and launched the platform in less than a month. The platform is scalable, reliable and lightning-fast, processing 100s of millions of ad requests. I highly recommend to any business looking for a reliable and effective solution for their retail media needs.


Shraddha Vimal, Senior Product Manager (RM)

Sellers are now also able to generate detailed reports that provide them critical insights into campaigns, and help them make better use of their budgets - enhancing their experience and interest in advertising on the platform. The differential UX offered by Monetize helped Tata 1mg engage brands of all levels in technical aptitude to use the platform easily.

TATA 1mg

Specialty Retailer  (Online Pharmacy)

We seamlessly integrated and launched the platform in less than a month. The platform is scalable, reliable and lightning-fast, processing 100s of millions of ad requests. I highly recommend to any business looking for a reliable and effective solution for their retail media needs.


Online Beauty Retailer

Osmos offered ready-made reports and the ability to broadcast ads with a single click from a self-serve platform to optimise Purplle and its advertisers’ bandwidth. Osmos offered automation for scheduled reporting, budget tracking, and AI-powered estimates of key metrics and budget recommendations for every type of campaign.


Online Beauty Retailer

We seamlessly integrated and launched the platform in less than a month. The platform is scalable, reliable and lightning-fast, processing 100s of millions of ad requests. I highly recommend to any business looking for a reliable and effective solution for their retail media needs.


Shraddha Vimal, Senior Product Manager (RM)

Sellers are now also able to generate detailed reports that provide them critical insights into campaigns, and help them make better use of their budgets - enhancing their experience and interest in advertising on the platform. The differential UX offered by Monetize helped Tata 1mg engage brands of all levels in technical aptitude to use the platform easily.

TATA 1mg

Specialty Retailer  (Online Pharmacy)

We seamlessly integrated and launched the platform in less than a month. The platform is scalable, reliable and lightning-fast, processing 100s of millions of ad requests. I highly recommend to any business looking for a reliable and effective solution for their retail media needs.


Online Beauty Retailer

Cutting-edge ad 


technology for pace and perfection️

75% Faster Ad Delivery

Ensure unparalleled shopper experience with our ad servers delivering ads within 15-25 ms for 95% of the requests

Contextual Relevance Algo

Retailers experience ~40% improvement in fill rates as our ad server accounts for shoppers’ search term context, brand & pricing affinity and 50+ other signals

Inventory Synced Ads

We account for SKU inventory while ad serving. Any SKU that’s out of stock is replaced with an in-stock SKU in the ads to ensure 0 impression wastage

Own your platform’s aesthetics, performance



Get A Demo
Get A DemoBuild my Stack

100% White-Labeled Dashboard

The panel leveraged by advertisers for campaign management and insights is designed to reflect your brand

Detailed Program

Monetize your website, app and emails with engaging ad formats, precise targeting and reliable ad serving tech.

Real-time Ad Inventory Management

Monetize your website, app and emails with engaging ad formats, precise targeting and reliable ad serving tech.

Granular Yield Control

Monetize your website, app and emails with engaging ad formats, precise targeting and reliable ad serving tech.

Multiple BuyingModels

Monetize your website, app and emails with engaging ad formats, precise targeting and reliable ad serving tech.

Advertiser Experience Control

Monetize your website, app and emails with engaging ad formats, precise targeting and reliable ad serving tech.

Content Review

Monetize your website, app and emails with engaging ad formats, precise targeting and reliable ad serving tech.

Exceptional Results


Increase In
Ad Revenues


Increase In
Advertiser Adoption


Return On
Ad Spends


Of The Cost Of
Building In-House

Start Monetizing in 4 weeks to become advertisers’ top choice

There’s an opportunity cost attached to delaying the retail media play. Advertisers across the world are actively choosing the top 5 retail media platforms they want to invest in for the long run. The slower you are to make the decision, less likely you are to make the top

Choose Wisely, Choose Now