Unleash The Power Of The OSMOS API Hub

Dive into OSMOS API Hub to turbocharge your commerce media operations. Whether you're constructing a platform or fine-tuning your monetisation strategy, our APIs provide the fundamental tools you need for success. With OSMOS, you can have ads up and running in just two weeks, ensuring integrations in record time.

The Full Spectrum Of OSMOS APIs

From the “Retailer Admin Portal” access the API tokens needed for staging and production. This is your gateway to OSMOS’s powerful APIs.
Use the intuitive UI provided by OSMOS Operating System or dive into retail your own UI via our API. Create and manage advertisers and campaigns effortlessly.
Now that your advertisers and campaigns are set up, it's time to start fetching ads using our Ad Server Auction APIs. Get ready to witness a new level of advertising efficiency.

Built For Scale

Our apps have been designed to handle retail media’s biggest challenges. We’ve scale tested to process:


P95 Latency
at scale


SKUs (Stock Keeping Units / day)


ad auctions / month


Shopper Events
/ month


Decision Points
/ month

Campaigns API

Our Campaigns API is a robust toolbox comprising all the campaign management functionalities, perfectly suited for creating, updating and optimising an array of Display and Product Ads. Enabled audience, keyword and geo targeting possibilities this API is pivotal to your retail media journey.
Create Campaigns in Bulk
Update Campaign Settings
Fetch All Advertisers’ Campaigns

Reporting API

Our Reporting API enables customizable dashboards and reporting tools, offering a wealth of daily and aggregated data for your sponsored ad campaigns. It provides access to full funnel metrics, that can help you empower your advertisers to gain insights and measure campaign performance programmatically.
Campaign Analytics Bridge
Filtered Data Transfer
Multiple Downloadable Formats
Automate Reporting For Advertisers

Ad Servers API

Our Ad Server API seamlessly connects your platform to our ad-serving system, streamlining the delivery of ads for your platform be it app or web. Inclusive of our Auctions API that can process 25Bn real-time ad auctions per month and Decision API that is scale tested to process upto 250Bn data points per month for enhancing ad bidding efficiency.
Fetch Ads in Desired Format
Context Based Ad Serving
Ad Delivery Basis Auction Method

Events API

The Events API captures and interprets valuable insights into shopper behaviour on your platform, providing a deep understanding of your audience's preferences. Scale tested to process upto 50Bn shopper events per month, Events API along with our Reporting API empowers you to optimize your retail media strategy and create more tailored and engaging user experiences.
Recommendations Based On Wishlist
Attribution For Crucial Touchpoints
Ad Interaction Records for Analytics

Advertiser API

The Advertiser API is your gateway to effortlessly create, update, and search for advertisers, streamlining the onboarding process with nuanced details. Simplify the management of advertiser data and access comprehensive information for more precise targeting as our tech supports 500k+ advertiser participation per month.
Advertiser Registration
Instant Advertiser Updates
Fetch Advertiser Details

Catalog API

Our Catalog API streamlines the synchronization of your product inventory with the ad platform, simplifying the creation of sponsored product ads from an ever-updated catalog of promotable items. Scale tested to process upto 2Bn SKUs per day, this API also supports the Buy Box enablement.
Full Product Catalog Sync
Dynamic Product Detail Updates
Demarcation for Custom Pages

Billing API

The Billing API streamlines incentive management, integrates credit lines with invoices, and enables advertisers to maintain billing profiles for various advertising channels, all while delivering comprehensive financial reporting.
Multiple Billing Profiles
Credit Line & Invoice Management
Purchase Order Management
Transaction Log

Audience API

The Audience API unlocks the potential of your first-party data for targeting purposes. You can use this API to craft pre-defined audience segments that can be made available for advertiser targeting, ensuring privacy and effectiveness in the advertising strategies.
Define Attributes Available For Targeting
Pre-Defined Audience Cohorts
Upload Custom Audiences
Build your own tech stack today.

Embark on your API Journey

We've dedicated our efforts to crafting the world's most robust yet user-friendly APIs, complemented by extensive documentation to make your journey into OSMOS API Hub seamless.
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42ms at p95
Live in 2 Weeks
Cookie Free
SOC2 compliant